Relationships: Here you can see how are you doing with each character (Jay will be properly implemented in the future).
Appearance: You can change your uniform in this window (only while inside the Dorms).
This zone has a unique UI with different things: The proper new zone of this version, located in Redridge, this is a male-only place (you won’t be able to enter with a female character) and this zone works like a graphic novel where you’ll be able to have relationships with some characters, getting closer to them and unlocking scenes.
A new “crossroads” zone has been added, Redridge, you can go there from Goldshire.
All the toggle squares now have proper art instead of just being white squares.
The arrow buttons to move through zones now tell you the name of the zone you will move to.
All the old eye-icon scenes now tell you what’s going to happen on the button.
All the buttons that signal clickable things on the screen have been updated, with a small art on top of them to tell you what those things will do, most of the art means the same things as before (forest is exploration, stone tower means enter inside, etc…) but there are two new icons, one with an open eye that tells you that you are going to watch a sex scene, and a heart that tells you that you are going to have a sexual encounter.
The Appearance, Quest, and Statistics Buttons have been updated in the outworld UI.
Energy has been moved to the left side of the upper outworld bar and now it’s yellow dots instead of lightning icons (This has not changed when you are inside the Gym).
The day of the week is now on a wheel in the middle of the outworld upper bar that rotates every day (This has not changed in the Brothel UI).
Gold, Addiction, Hour, Day, Health, Mana, and Lust bars have been rearranged in the outworld UI.
The icon of the game and main menu background have been slightly updated.
This is a little surprise even for me because I wasn’t planning on doing this when I was working on this version, but the entire UI of the game has been visually updated, and here is a list of some of the changes: